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Nominative determinism

Nominative determinism examples — or an aptronym — with 3 books and their nominatively deterministic authors

Nominative determinism is the idea that people might inadvertently be drawn to careers related to their names. It suggests that if you are called Baker, you might unknowingly gravitate towards a career in baked goods. Sort of the opposite of someone with the surname of Baker because the family was once bakers.

Also known as an aptronym.

A few more:

  • Les McBurney — Volunteer firefighter
  • Dr. Lauren Hyman — Gynecologist
  • Dr. Chip Silvertooth — Dentist
  • Paul Schwinghammer — Contractor

Apparently coined in the New Scientist by reader C. R. Cavonius after people kept submitting examples, including those in the sketch. More examples here.


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